The Author


Rose Stauffer is an American writer born and raised in Southeast Asia until returning to the United States, where she majored in Communication Arts and Journalism in Virginia. She worked for a community newspaper in Florida as a reporter, photographer, and doing layout for press. Her love of the performing arts kept her involved in local theatre, dance classes, and singing opportunities wherever she lived. While raising her daughter in Virginia, she decided to pursue a “proper career” to become a therapist, and obtained her Masters in Social Work.  When her daughter became obsessed with the Harry Potter series, it sealed a solid love for stories in the magical fantasy genre.  This led to decades of devouring books and movies steeped in magic and the metaphysical.
In 2018, a couple years after Rose was diagnosed with a chronic medical condition, it prompted her to re-evaluate the stressors in life and find something to pour her creativity into.  Since she always loved to write, and kept a growing collection of personal journals, she decided to write a fantasy story “Just for myself, one I would love to read.” The opening lines in The Rescue of Demistrath were born from a simple writing prompt asking for the use of three words in a sentence.  Setting her alarm clock 30 min earlier than usual, Rose would write several pages a day in a lined notebook, then go to work.  After a few months, she realized she wanted to keep writing the story, so she transcribed all the pages to her computer and continued her writing electronically.
On February 2nd, 2020, the last line of the first book, The Rescue of Demistrath, was typed while sitting in a coffee shop in Florida.  Feeling excited and accomplished to have a finished book in hand, Rose threw her caution to the wind and decided to get it published.  Then the world went into lockdown with the global pandemic. A new world had to be learned and navigated. A move to Colorado allowed for space and time to continue writing.  Committing herself to complete the story of Demistrath in a trilogy, she wrote Bloodline and later Sanctum.   The entire writing project was completed over five years.
Rose resides in Colorado with her spouse and two crazy cats. She is still working her day job and crosses over frequently to mystical places and timelines to enjoy the magic that can be found everywhere, if you only know how to look for it and see it.