The Rescue of Demistrath is book one of a trilogy of volumes. The second installment, simply titled Bloodline, was published in 2021. The Demistrath Trilogy’s third and last volume, Sanctum, published in 2022, and it concludes the story of Eva and Lurien as they work side by side to defend and protect Demistrath from threats and danger that would violate their peaceful way of life.
The author is writing her fourth book now, a science fiction novel with the working title Red Mountain. Set in Colorado, a clandestine, top secret operation between the space and war industries is uncovered by an unsuspecting, well meaning, group of local residents and workers just trying to mind their own business. Their lives will be forever entwined and unraveled by their discovery, as they sort through the ethical, personal, and political implications of this extraterrestrial interface.
Other Products Available by request to the author for The Rescue of Demistrath:
1. Xlibris Hollywood Treatment 9/12/2020 (by Ryan Graff)
2. Hollywood Screenplay (by Ryan Graff)