Category: Blog

Marketing Campaign update

The Rescue of Demistrath is getting some official reviews now, as the book continues to softly roll-out. Also, a few paid ads for the book are running in the New York Times Sunday Book Section August 2, Publishers Weekly July 20, and Readers Digest Digital.


On June 4th I had the delightful experience of being interviewed by the charming  … Read the rest

2020 New Beginnings

Hello curious reader, and welcome to my first blog post about my first book!  I’m glad you are here.  I hope you have read, or will read, or want to read book 1 of my Triple Goddess Trilogy.  (I know that’s a mouthful, just like the choice of the word Demistrath! – more about all that later).  As I was … Read the rest

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome. My name is Rose Stauffer, author of The Rescue Of Demistrath. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here.
I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about The
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